Authored by Inci ToralStarting your dissertation project can be daunting. A dissertation is a complex research process with many unknowns if you do not know where to start. Here is a guide that will help you in writing your dissertation with useful tips and examples.The structure of this guide follows the structure of a dissertation by chapters (sections). It starts with explaining the research proposal which is indeed an initial stage in most dissertation studies. After this, each chapter is explained with tips and open-source examples. It might be a good idea to earmark this useful website and revisit it several times as you progress in your research project.Writing your dissertation proposalWhat is a research proposal?Essential Ingredients of a Good Research Proposal for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in the Social Sciences by Sage JournalsWriting a Research Proposal (section by section)
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralABSTRACTWhat is an Abstract?How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference presentation, by Chittaranjan AndradeHow to Write an Abstract, by Megan Morgan
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralDISSERTATION INTRODUCTIONWriting your introductionHere are some tips to start your dissertation. Assuming that you have done your initial reading (the literature) and you kind of formulated your ideas, it is a good habit to start writing, even though you don’t think your writing is up to the standard, yet.
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralLITERATURE REVIEWWhat is a literature review? Methods for Literature Reviews, by Guy Paré and Spyros Kitsiou8 common problems with literature reviews and how to fix them, by Neal HaddawayLiterature Review ProcessHow to write a literature review? by Emerald Group Publishing
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralMETHODOLOGYSo what is the appropriate method?How to design a research study? by Emerald Group PublishingAn example from an actual PhD thesis draftQuantitative /Qualitative research fundamental propositions by Robin BeaumontAnother example from an other dissertationBasic considerations about the Quantitative Methodologies
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralDATA ANALYSISHow are you going to analyse your data? What analysis technique do you need to apply?In social sciences, most UG, MSc or MBA programmes you would be required to use a statistical computation technique to analyse your data.One of the most common tools to conduct these types of analyses is to use an appropriate software programme (check with your school for available programmes). You can find numerous resources on how to use these tools. Here, I will give you a few links to conduct these analyses using SPSS, an IBM owned statistical tool, used by most schools.SPSS For Dummies by Arthur GriffithSPSS TUTORIALS: DESCRIPTIVE STATS BY GROUP (COMPARE MEANS)SPSS Basic Skills TutorialsDo I need to use a procedure to analyse the qualitative data?If you are using a qualitative data analysis technique, bear in mind that you still need to follow analysis procedures.Because, using a qualitative technique means you will employ creativity and interpretation. To make your work rigorous, you should carefully apply data analysis and reporting techniques.It would always be wise to get hold of a qualitative methods book to deepen your understanding abput the methods and techniques you wouls apply. Here are a few links to help you get started in the process.Analyzing Qualitative DataComputer Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS (CAQDAS)Analysing qualitative data and writing up your findings by Anne B. RyanA Step-By-Step Guide To Qualitative Data Analysis by Nancy GibsonAnalyze Qualitative Data
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralRESULTS OR FINDINGSPresenting your results/findingsPresenting Results (Quantitative) Presenting Findings (Qualitative)
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralDISCUSSIONSDiscussing your results/findingsFourteen Steps to Writing an Effective Discussion Section (click on the relevant subject on the first page, once you opened the link)Discussing your findings by APAImportance of a Good Discussion
Read MoreAuthored by Inci ToralADDITIONAL RESOURCESHere is a small list of useful resources. You can buy or borrow these books which would shed light on many questions you would have during your journey. These books are just a few of what you can find on doing a research. Do your own research and find your own resources!White, P., 2008. Developing research questions: a guide for social scientists. Palgrave Macmillan.Grix, J., 2010. The foundations of research. Palgrave Macmillan.Collis, J. and Hussey, R., 2013. Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave macmillan.Davies, M.B. and Hughes, N., 2014. Doing a successful research project: Using qualitative or quantitative methods. Palgrave Macmillan.Passer, M.W., 2014. Research methods: Concepts and connections.GOOD LUCK!
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